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We are interested in the research as follows:
  1. Quorum sensing (QS) and quorum quenching (QQ) 
  2. NGS-based microbial community
  3. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) process
  4. Anti-biofouling medical devices

Q1. What is biofouling and how does it relate to quorum sensing (QS)?
In nature, bacteria can recognize and communicate with their neighbors by detecting signal molecules called autoinducers. This phenomenon, defined as quorum sensing (QS), enables bacteria to maintain their ecological niche and create an environment favorable for their survival.

QS involves the regulation of gene expressions, such as biofilm formation, dispersion, conjugation, virulence, symbiosis, motility, and morphology, in response to variations in bacterial cell density (i.e., initiated only when a threshold level is reached and then enables bacteria to synchronize their actions and engage in group behaviors).

In particular, biofilm formation (i.e., biofouling) on a membrane surface is the major determinant of capital and maintenance cost in a membrane bioreactor (M
BR) for wastewater treatment and water reuse due to the intensive aeration and chemical cleaning, etc., necessary to retard biofilm accumulation. 

Biofouling in our life.jpg

Q2. How to control QS?
Quorum quench
ing (QQ) is the process of preventing QS signals, and the microbes (bacteria, fungi, etc.) having enzymes or chemicals capable of inhibiting QS signals are used as shown below.

QS QQ.jpg

Q3. How to apply quorum quenching (QQ)?
Apply to mitigate biofouling in membrane bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment and water reuse as shown below.

AHL_AI_2 QQ in MBRs.jpg

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